
September’s Virtues of the Month: Truthfulness and Tact

Sep 7, 2022

Ebenezer’s Virtues of the Month Program is about empowering adults and children to live by their highest values. The mission of the Virtues Program is to provide empowering strategies of
excellence that inspire the practice of virtues at Ebenezer as well as at home. This month’s virtues are truthfulness and tact.

Truthfulness is the bedrock of integrity on which we build all our other virtues. It is an ongoing commitment to live by what is most real and authentic in our own nature as well as honesty in all our dealings . Honesty in all our dealings.

Tact is telling the truth kindly. It is thinking before we speak and being aware of how deeply our words affect others. When using tact, we discern what to say, when it is timely to say it, and what is better left unsaid. It is an ongoing commitment to live by what is most real and authentic in our own
nature as well as honesty in all our dealings Project, visit the